Cleaning Cloth


For a good while many pin collectors have been using polishing cloths to clean their pins. *cues Darth Vader Nooooooooo!*

Polishing cloths have chemicals which can take off plating, and screen printing if one is not extremely careful. Not all polishing cloths have the same amount and kind of chemical compound - but it’s better to be safe than sorry .

Because of the horror stories seen- I’ve made it a mission to manufacture a cleaning cloth that is chemical free, and yet cleans pins and plated jewelry effectively .These cleaning cloths are 100% safe for cleaning pins and plated jewelry.

In order to wash these cleaning cloths - please hand wash with dish soap, and hand dry.

The cleaning cloths come in 4 different colors - representing the Kjones Crafts logo colors - cream, grey, black, and gold. All colored clothes are roughly 4 by 4 inches . 

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