“Did you ever hear the tragedy of Darth Plagueis The Wise? “ - Sheev Palpatine Deception is a tribute to the Darth Plagueis legends novel and to one of the best villains in cinematic history - Sheev Palpatine - Darth Sidious - The Emperor ! Limited Edition 35 Full Pin on Pins, and Limited Edition 15 Topper Pins.

There’s only one target of interest in this sector: Kamino. It’s the closest thing we clones have to a home.” -Captain Rex The 7th world in the Kjones Crafts Star Wars planet series is - KAMINO! Can you spot The Bad Batch Easter Egg in this design ? 🥰 Kamino is the first planet in the planet series that has matte plating - its representative of the Clones and a tribute to them . The pearl swirl mix in the sky represents the ever changing weather & turbulent storms Kamino has . Limited Edition 120

Qui-Gon knows he’s the father that Anakin needs. He hasn’t given up on the fact that Jedi are supposed to care and love.” - Dave Filoni This pin was a great challenge and required multiple samples to get correct . However - I’m so happy with the result and truly cherish this pin in my collection! Limited Edition 100 total ~ 50 Black Nickel Plated & 50 Gold Plated pins.

“Only a Sith deals in absolutes “ - Obi-Wan Kenobi My oh my Master Kenobi - is than an absolute I hear ? Tarnished Hope ~ Limited Edition 100 Part of the Kjones Crafts "What If" series.

“You’re outmanned, laserblade.” -Embo, to Anakin Skywalker My second favorite bounty hunter of all time ! Limited Edition 50

“She keeps their minds off of it.” -Leia Organa “Maybe I should borrow her too.” - Obi-Wan Kenobi L0-LA59 ~ Lola She is one droid that surely puts a big smile on my face and makes me happy :) Limited Edition 150

Life has this funny way of forcing you on the path forward anyway. Now here I am. Where I least expected.” - Cal Kestis I certainly resonate with this quote ! You and me both Cal ❤️ Limited Edition 50 (Orange Saber) & Limited Edition 50 (Blue Saber)

“Get back up. Always get back up .” When I saw this scene- it made my chest ache with all the feelings. Seeing the parallels between Luke & Grogu and Luke & Yoda warmed my heart and brought me so much joy . I’m so honored to have been able to work with @benmaudart to bring this piece to life in pin form for our collections . This was such a peaceful- and tranquil moment in Star Wars .

“He was my master. What would have surprised people was how kind he was. He cared deeply about his friends, and looked out for them until the end.” I genuinely love this pin because his eyes show the internal conflict Anakin Skywalker endured . I was inspired to commission this art piece because of my younger brother , Luke. My younger brother is currently 13 years old and means the world to me . He has always appreciated Anakin Skywalker when he was a true hero.

The Fellowship! This Design of Ahsoka and Morai reminds me of the relationship that my parrot, Kiara, and I had. Unfortunately, Kiara passed away in November of 2020. She meant the world to me , and will always remain dear to my heart. I miss you sweetheart! We shall meet again , but not just yet! This Design is a tribute to her. Limited Edition 250

“Luminous beings are we, not this crude matter” - Yoda Dagobah is my second favorite Star Wars planet after Tatooine . I absolutely love this pin and am so proud of it ! There are three Star Wars creatures in this pin. Can you spot them all? Limited Edition 120

Ysalamiri were lizard-like tree-dwellers about 50 centimeters in length native to the planet Myrkr, most known for their ability to repel the Force by creating a Force-neutral bubble. This ability evolved in response to predation by the Force-sensitive vornskrs. Many ysalamiri grouped together would expand their Force-neutral bubble by varying distances—sometimes by kilometers. This design is dear to my heart because it reminds me of my bearded dragon Jack - She is Yellow Orange, and if she were a creature in the Star Wars universe, I think she would absolutely be a Ysalamiri. She’s my best friend! Limited Edition 75

“Rancors are emotionally complex creatures.” -Boba Fett’s Rancor Keeper Rancors are large, sentient reptilian carnivores originally native to Dathomir (a sub species native to Felucia ) . Rancors are often seen as mindless , violent creatures due to their extensive use as fighters across the galaxy. However this is far from the truth! Limited Edition 50

“For over a thousand generations, the Jedi Knights were the guardians of peace and justice in the Old Republic. Before the dark times, before the Empire.” Obi-Wan Kenobi is my all time favorite character in Star Wars . In the Clone Wars show and movies we always see Jedi always pristine in battle . This always bugged me a bit because realistically Jedi would fight long, tedious battles and come out beat up and run down . (More realistic approach) The General Limited Edition 125

Come for the scum, stay for the villainy ! I absolutely LOVE this design on my board , and think it’s makes an amazing addition to any Star Wars collection . It shows the diversity of the Alien Species in Star Wars , while also representing Tatooine - Mos Eisley! Limited Edition 40

Jar Jar put a lot of smiles on children's faces, and created many laughs. Many children who watch Star Wars go through rough childhoods. Whether it be through physical, emotional , drug abuse or more. Jar Jar is a positive , light hearted character that makes many children’s day better . This pin art is tributed to the actor of Jar Jar , Ahmed Best. , and to all the grown adults who laughed and loved Jar Jar as a kid . This piece not only represents mental health awareness, but also anti bullying . Ahmed Best didn’t deserve to be bullied heavily for playing this character, especially when he put many smiles on many kids faces. ❤️ Limited Edition 75

Thrawn was a Chiss male officer of the Chiss Ascendancy and Grand Admiral in the Imperial Navy during the age of the Galactic Empire. An alien Imperial officer with striking blue skin, red eyes, and an angular face, Thrawn was well known as a brilliant and ruthless strategist. He believed that in order to achieve victory in war, one must know their enemy. As such, he dedicated himself to understanding the philosophy, art, and culture of his opponents. Limited Edition 100

Originally a slave on Tatooine, Anakin Skywalker is a Jedi prophesied to bring balance to the Force. He is lured to the dark side of the Force by Chancellor Palpatine and becomes a Sith Lord, assuming the title of Darth Vader. Anakin Skywalker’s transformation from Hero to Villain is arguably one of the most tragic stories in cinematic history. The Fallen Angel Limited Edition 300

"Like a Bantha!" -Boba Fett I’m so incredibly proud of this pin & design . I adore it. This design hits so close to home and touches my heart. I’ve always loved the Tusken Raiders. And of course , I have a big passion for Star Wars Creatures. Limited Edition 100

Smuggler. Scoundrel. Hero. Han Solo Limited Edition 300

"Savior, conqueror, hero, villain. You are all things, Revan… and yet you are nothing. In the end, you belong to neither the light nor the darkness. You will forever stand alone." Limited Edition 100

The Grandmaster! Yoda Limited Edition 200

Hoth! "ComScan has detected an energy field protecting an area around the sixth planet of the Hoth system. The field is strong enough to deflect any bombardment." Limited Edition 150

Dathomir, home of the Nightsisters, Nightbrothers, Blue Coral Divers Clan, Singing Mountain, and the Howling Crag. This planet is bathed in blood - red light and is as spooky as it is mysterious.

I truly loved the Mortis concept in Star Wars because it’s shows that there is/are higher power(s) beyond our comprehension . That our life is so immaculate and complex. There is intricacy and beauty to it. I was inspired to make this pin because The Mortis Arc depicts the aspect of not everything in life is black or white , and that truly life is in a shade of grey. This pin is Limited Edition 150.

Plo is a force sensitive Kel Dor Jedi Master who served as a member of the Jedi High Council during the last years of the galactic republic. He was also the General of the 104th battalion with Wolffe being his commander at his side . Plo Koon was a humble, soften spoken Jedi and was a father figure to Ahsoka Tano and many other Jedi. He had a very special bond with Ahsoka and nick named her “Little Soka.” He was the first Jedi to use the light side of the force equivalent of force lightening , known as electric judgement . Plo Koon also possessed extensive knowledge of the physical sciences . Plo Koon’s species, the Kel Dor, are native to the planet Dorin. The Kel Dor are covered in thick , leathery hide which allow them to survive exposure to the vacuum of space for a short period of time . The Kel Dor are also known to wear masks when they are off their homework’s because oxygen is poisonous to them. Limited Edition 150

Kit Fisto is a striking example of an alien Jedi, a Nautolan with large eyes, and a gathered tangle of flexible tentacle-tresses extending from his head. He is at home in the waters of aquatic planets, like his native Glee Anselm. As a Jedi Master, Fisto has an intense focus, particularly in combat. Absolutely love this Jedi! He is underrated ,and I'm so honored to have made a SECOND pin of him. Master Fisto is Limited Edition 150. He is a wonderful addition to the Kjones Craft Pin Archive & Collection.

Mandalore! I wanted to make a design that showed the transition between The Mandalorian Season 2 and 3. The end of Season 2 was very emotional for Din Djarin. He takes on the large responsibility of becoming Mandalore, and accepting that Grogu wants to be with Luke to complete his training with the Force as a Jedi. Limited Edition 100

Coruscant, a ecumenopolis, was the Imperial Center during the rule of the Galatic Empire. Though debated, it was believed that Coruscant was the original homeworld of humanity. Coruscant is so unique in that is has a cosmopolitan culture, and it's population consist of trillions of citizens, hailing from a vast array of both humanoid and alien species. Home of the Jedi Temple, Monument Plaza, and Senate Building. Coruscant is the third world in the planet pin series, and is Limited Edition 125.

Ah yes, the Iconic Dewback and Sandtrooper. "And look, those animals, I can't explain it. There's something graceful about them. They just move like every particle of 'em is perfectly aligned and entirely free. They'll take you through a storm, over a river, into a building. They'll maul the kriff out of anyone that gets in your way. They're basically a stormtrooper's best friend." Limited Edition 60.

Naboo is the second planet in the Kjones_Crafts planet pin series. This planet is one of the most peaceful, diplomatic, and majestic worlds of the Star Wars Universe. Naboo is home to Padme Amidala, and the beautiful Gungan City. There is a bit of irony that arguably the most beautiful planet known in Star Wars is the birth place of the most vile, manipulative, and powerful Sith, Sheev Palpatine. Limited Edition Run of 99 pins.

HELLO THERE! Ob-Wan Kenobi has forever been my favorite character. I'm absolutely honored to have made these Obi-Wan Kenobi Pin on Pins and Toppers. I really love the backstamp, "Strike me down, and I shall become more powerful than you can possibly imagine." This allowed me to have part of Old Ben Kenobi (Alec Guinness) and Eps 3 Kenobi (Ewan McGregor) as a part of the pin. To have my favorite character, and planet in one pin has always been my dream! Limited Edition Run of 75 pin on pins, and 100 toppers (partial Gold Plated & Black Nickel plated)

“You can't stop change any more than you can stop the suns from setting.” Tatooine is my absolute favorite planet. It's beyond sentimental to me, and was the perfect planet to be first in my Star Wars pin planet series. This pin took a very long time to manufacture, but came out wonderfully. Limited Edition run of 50. Pin Art Credit

"He ceased to be the Jedi Anakin Skywalker and became the Sith, Darth Vader. When that happened, the good man who was your father was destroyed." Anakin's fall to the Dark Side is arguably the most tragic story in Cinema History. I think we can all relate to Anakin Skywalker in one way or another. Each of us struggle with our identity, and our life choices which in turn represent our moral character. Anakin Skywalker was one of the greatest Hero's, and Darth Vader one of the most Notorious Villains. Limited Edition run of 100 pins.

"You're reckless, little one. You never would have made it as Obi-Wan's Padawan. But you might make it as mine." I absolutely love this master and Padawan Duo. Snips & Skyguy have one of the best friendships in Star Wars. I put this duo on an equal level to the relationship between Obi-Wan Kenobi and Anakin Skywalker. The production of this pin meant so much to me because it put so many smiles on peoples faces. The pin Production of this precious duo was Limited Edition 100. Pin Art Credit - @Wandering_Nicky
"What if I told you that the Republic was now under the control of a dark lord of the Sith?" I have great respect for this Sith Lord. Dooku's story is a tragic one, and I'm beyond proud of how this pin turned out. The actor who played Dooku, Christopher Lee , was incredibly talented and will be forever remembered. Count Dooku is an undervalued character in Star Wars, and I appreciate his character, and tragic life tale. Limited Edition 100 pins produced. Pin Art Credit - @Benmaudart

Kit Fisto is a striking example of an alien Jedi, a Nautolan with large eyes, and a gathered tangle of flexible tentacle-tresses extending from his head. He is at home in the waters of aquatic planets, like his native Glee Anselm. As a Jedi Master, Fisto has an intense focus, particularly in combat. Absolutely love this Jedi! He is underrated ,and I'm so honored to have made a pin of him. Kit Fisto was Limited Edition 100. He is a wonderful addition to the Kjones Craft Pin Archive & Collection. Pin Art Credit - @Wandering_Nicky

“As my sweet mother always said, ‘Son, if one hostage is good, two are better. And three, well, that’s good business.’” Hondo Ohnaka was the first pin I ever made. He was Limited Edition 100. He will always hold a special place in my heart! Pin Art Credit - @Wandering_Nicky