Hello There!

My name is Kelsey and I am the owner of Kjones Crafts. I started this business because of two major hobbies in my life, Star Wars and art.

Throughout my entire live I’ve always loved art. I can’t even tell you the amount of sketchbooks I went through as a child. I never was incredibly talented when it came to drawing, however, I absolutely loved it. As I grew older, I found myself appreciating art more because I knew how difficult it is to translate an idea in your head onto a piece of paper. I own many art commissions by various gifted artist. I’ve always had a creative mind, and I constantly have ideas in my head.

Star Wars has always been dear to my heart. The overall story and universe is so relatable to things we go through as people in everyday life. I started getting into Star Wars when I asked my father if I could rent a movie from Red Box. I picked Star Wars Episode III, Revenge of the Sith. I had no idea it was the third movie in the trilogy and I basically just thought the cover looked really cool. After watching the movie, I became HOOKED (some would call it obsessed) to the Star Wars Universe and all of the content it had to bring. As a child, I wanted to be just like Obi-Wan Kenobi. He was wise, powerful, kind, humble, and always stayed strong no matter how much he had gone through as a person.

Since I was a child I’ve always collected Disney pins. My mother would often surprise me with new pins for my birthday, Christmas, or any special occasion. There is something so enticing about holding a metal object in your hand with all it’s intricate lines, details, and effects. Bringing a two dimensional piece of art into something you can hold and feel is remarkable. To this day I have all of my original Disney pins from my childhood, including all of my Star Wars pins.

I started to collect more pins as I got older on my own, however, they all tended to only be Star Wars. I found out it was possible that I could make pins from art, and from there I decided to make this business. I want to make people smile and hold a magnificent piece of sentimental artwork in their hands . I am honored and blessed to work with various artist to bring my ideas to life, and into pin form.

Thank you so much for your continuous support. It means so much to me. Please feel free to contact me at any time if you have any questions, comments, or concerns.

May the force be with you, always.

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I received my Bachelors Degree in Finance at the University of Texas at San Antonio. I am currently a graduate student studying to receive my masters degree in Accounting. After finishing my education, I plan to sit for the Certified Public Accounting Exam to become a registered CPA in the state of Texas.

My Star Wars Collection

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